¡Alquiler temporal de apartamentos a precios asequibles!

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Apto 98 -- rue Lacharriere -- 11o Distrito -- Rating: 5
Plazas Habitaciones Superficie Noche Semana Mes Duración mínima
4 1 35m2 120€ 840€ 2700€ 3 Noches

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Rating: 5   Puntuación general 5
In the appartement were a lot of personal breakable and expensive things of the owner. We were afraid to move these things and ourselves. Therefore we had a lack of space to put our own things. The beds were fine. The kitchen had everything we needed. The appartement is very small for 4 persons, but is possible. Maybe you can think about the savety of the room and the hole building. We didn't sea any smoke-detectors nor fire-extinguisher. The location was beaufiful, right in the middle of Paris. We had a nice stay in Paris.
02 ago 2015